Explicit Resource Management is a newish JavaScript feature that lets you add tear-down functionality to function scopes. This means if your code sets something up, you can have it automatically clean things when that code completes.
It's available in Node.js 20.4.0 +, Deno 1.38+ and TypeScript 5.2+, so you should be able to use it on newer projects.
It looks something like this:
using file = openFile('notes.txt')
Then openFile
implements this API to close the file when it is not used anymore.
My Code
So I had some code, I wanted to see how the footprint changed. Roughly my code:
import postgres from 'postgres'
import { getPostgresMigrator } from 'gruber'
export async function runMigrations(direction: string) {
const sql = postgres('postgres://...')
const migrator = getPostgresMigrator({ sql, directory })
try {
if (direction === 'up') await migrator.up()
else if (direction === 'down') await migrator.down()
else throw new Error('Unknown direction <up|down>')
} finally {
await sql.end()
And it turned into this:
export async function runMigrations(direction: string) {
await using sql = getPostgresClient('postgres://...')
const migrator = getPostgresMigrator({ sql, directory })
if (direction === 'up') await migrator.up()
else if (direction === 'down') await migrator.down()
else throw new Error('Unknown direction <up|down>')
Which needed this magic:
function getPostgresClient(url) {
const sql = postgres(url)
Object.assign(sql, {
[Symbol.asyncDispose]: async () => {
await sql.end()
return sql
- It takes an extra level of nesting out of the code
- I wish TypeScript let you assign symbols to things without complaining
- I could remove the use of
to simplify the code - Synchronous and async are different, one uses
and the otherSymbol.asyncDispose
and requires theawait using
keywords. - It feels like this could be very powerful, especially when all your favourite libraries start using it.